Before the digital age I dabbled in 35mm film photography with some knowledge of how the camera worked, being  all manual settings, and back then I developed a lot of my own photos in a darkroom with paper and chemicals. When the digital age hit, I  gave all that up and just used simple point and shoot cameras and smart phones. Over the years digital photography has evolved into and incredible art form with camera technologies that are like super computers along with miraculous computer editing programs. I decided to get into this hobby again about 2 years ago ( even though I'm partially blind in one eye ) and bought a really amazing Fujifilm X-t3 , now upgraded to the x-t5 digital mirrorless camera, and assorted telephoto lenses. I learn something new about this camera everytime I use it and photography gives me a keen awareness of the wonders of world around me. I also use the camera for all of the music videos I  post to youtube and have been really impressed with the high quality results produced.

Here are some of the images taken so far. Take a look around. I hope you enjoy them!

(Click on each photo to view it at a larger size) 

( note these photos are not public domain. If you would like to use or share, please contact me . Thank you )